Eating healthy for your age

This article  is part of a blog series where information is given to you on how to eat healthy for your age.If you have missed out on the introduction to this article, checkout this link here

Eating healthy for teens

So of all the life stages today we will be focusing on teenagers. As with kids eating healthy is important although, different age groups have  different prorities, needs and eating habits change . Now with teenagers fitness and nutrition are the cornerstones of teen health!

If  healthy routines are followed in a teenagers  life,  it is  likely to last a lifetime, so here are some tips to help teens kick their body into top gear.  Be an example to  your fellow teenagers and encourage the entire family to adopt healthier habits by applying the following  to your daily live.

  • Eat breakfast on a daily basis
    A smoothie in the morning or a bowl of high fibre cereal is a great way to start your morning and  will help jump-start your metabolism, provide energy for the busy day ahead and may even prevent over-eating( which none of us really want) during the rest of the day.

  • Be a smart snacker 
    Try to avoid  those tuckshop temptations by packing in healthier option, a grab-and-go from home, such as:
    o Fresh fruit
    o Sliced red, orange or yellow peppers
    o Cherry tomatoes, carrot and celery sticks (with hummus for a dip)
    o A tub of low-fat yogurt or a drinking yoghurt or a flavoured milk
    o Pretzels or home-made popcorn
    o Provitas or crackers with a block of cheese

  • Count liquid calories
    The calories in fizzy drinks, flavoured water, vitamin water and fruit juice can add up quickly. To avoid all those hundreds of calories drink water instead of sugary drinks, as water is better and healthy option.
  • Be active
    Teens need about 60 minutes of physical activity a day. Team sports are great ways to get active and to socialize, but if you as a teen are not into sports such as hockey, rugby or tennis. Try other activities such as to walking the dog around the block, take up skipping at home or sessions at a gym.
  •  Healthy skin
  • Hormone changes and puberty are mostly responsible for acne. It is not true that chocolates and fatty and sugary foods cause pimples. A balanced diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits and lots of water can help keep your skin healthy and clear. But if skin is really worry, talk about it and start acne treatment sooner rather than later
  • Maintain a healthy weight 
    Aside from an increased risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes, being overweight can ruin teen self-confidence. So as a teen, to maintain that weight or to lose weight permanently follows a healthy diet and balance food intake with physical activity. Remind yourself that there’s no single ideal weight and no perfect body – the right weight for one person might not be the right weight for another.

Eating healthy for your age

Hay there all you foodie lovers!

Today and  for the following week  this blog will divided into a blog series which will be concentrating about eating right for your age group.

As we get older our interests, priorities, needs and eating habits change and with that so do our nutritional needs too.

 As we go through life stages our nutritional needs very but the core principles of a healthy, balanced diet remains the same“balance, variety and moderation” .

So when eating for your age, the good news is, whatever your age, the right food choices can help you feel your best so you stay on top of your commitments and enjoy life. Treat your body well. Enjoy

Today’s  blog we will be starting off with eating right for kids.





Eating Healthy for children

Eating healthily is vital for children to help them reach best possible potential  mentally and physically.

Encourage children to enjoy a variety of foods:

Expose children to as many different healthy foods as possible by offering them new foods regularly, one at a time and in small amounts – and remember to eat with them. May it be pumpkin, peas, broccoli, carrots or tomatoes. Offer a variety regularly.

Provide plenty of vegetables and fruits every day:

Since each and every fruit and vegetable contains different nutrients, it is important to eat a variety each day. “Plenty” means at least five portions of different vegetables and/or fruits a day.  Apply the 5 a day rule.

Take in sufficient dairy daily:

 Be it full cream or  reduced fat milk (plain or flavoured), cheese and yoghurt they are all rich in calcium and are crucial minerals for the development of strong bones and teeth.

Chicken, fish, meat or eggs can be eaten daily, and include regular helpings of dry beans, split peas, lentils and soy.


3 ways to use vinegar.

Vinegar–  a sour-tasting liquid containing acetic acid, by fermenting diluted alcoholic liquids, typically wine, cider, or beer.
Vinegar is not only used for preserving and cooking but is also good cleaning solution , so for those who thought its only good for cooking, now you know,  because it’s acidic, it breaks down bacteria and dirt easily. Many household cleaners contain ingredients harmful to your family’s health and your environment, but vinegar is safe. It’s also natural and economical.  
A bottle of vinegar in the cupboard is worth more than you might know.


Here are some clever ideas on how to make use of  the vinegar bottle in your  cupboard:

1. After chopping onions, scrub your hands with salt and a splash of vinegar to eliminate the smell.

2. Remove sticky labels from vases and glasses by dampening with vinegar, then leaving for five minutes before buffing off with a cotton ball or paper towel.

3. Bring out bright colours in your washing by adding half a cup of white distilled vinegar to the rinse cycle.

WHAT TO EAT to relax

Hey all foodie lovers. Don’t you just love the smell, the taste, the texture and the appearance of food? Don’t you just love FOOD?

Food is a  mystery and each time I write  more interesting facts arise about food. Which fascinates me, that food can be so versatile and be used for about almost anything. It can be used to help prevent sickness, help keep you healthy, food is for consuming, food can help you relax and food can help enhance beauty. Should I say more?!:)

As said earlier food is great for stress, it can help you relax but the type of  food and the amount of food you put in is very important.

REMEMBER: Foods should be eaten in moderation and be part of a well-balanced diet.

The amino acid, tryptophan helps the brain release serotonin, which helps you relax or calm down. Melatonin, a hormone does the exact same thing as well as mak you sleepy.

Now tryptophan can be found a in number of sources of food, such as milk, chicken, eggs, nuts, cheese, fish and chocolate.

Serotonin levels in the brain is increased when we eat foods rich in carbohydrates such as figs,nuts,dark chocolate. If we eat foods round about 4-3 hours before bedtime it will increase the serotonin levels although consume/eat in moderation, have a small light snack  than a big meal because now your body needs work  harder to digest and break down all that food that time of the night. If you listen carefully at night you can hear your tummy working digesting and breaking down when your sleeping. Sometimes it even upsets your tummy, although that is a topic for some another time.

By adding fats to your meal, you will immediately start to feel the carbohydrates working. The fat will also cause a delayed reaction in the release of serotonin which means you will be relaxed a little longer. Add fats to meals by means of avocado, peanut butter and nuts.

Enjoy the fact that food can help you relax but don’t overindulged. 🙂

Bottled or Tapped?












Hi foodie lovers. Which do you prefer tapped or bottled water?

I personally prefer tap since it’s convenient, cheaper and taste better. Although you may prefer bottled water. So which one is better? There is only one way to find out…

Water is the most important part of our daily lives and in South Africa we are so fortunate able to drink water from our taps as to other countries where water is classified unsafe for consumption.

 Although people have access to pure clean, top quality water from our taps we still tend to buy bottled water.

Water in plastic bottles are a available wherever you may go- restaurants, gym and even offered at conferences.

Now which is better, tapped or bottled


Tapped water can be consumed mostly all over South Africa but this also depends on where you live in a rural or urban area.

In 2008, the department of health and environmental affairs rated the quality of tap water according to the Blue Drop certification system and by receiving this certification, tap water is regarded top quality.

Now where as bottled water can be quite expensive. Do you know a litre of bottled water can cost you up to R10, whereas the same amount of tap water costs less than one cent?


Each year millions and millions of bottles water get thrown away. Less than half of this is recycled and the rest, well let’s just say it gets dumped in landfills where they lie for 450 years before the plastic is completely(degraded).

Most water bottles are petroleum-based which can’t be recycled, its harmful to the environment to produce plastic bottles, thus having a negative effect on our environment. Although there has been said to be improvement of this matter , some companies are trying to make bottles that are plant-based which are not harmful to the environment and recyclable too.

Basically bottled water might not be all what you expect it to be, there are pros and cons although the choice is still entirely up to you, tapped or bottled. As said before it all depends on where you live, may it be Italy, France or South Africa in most cases it’s better to consume bottled water then tap. Although if you have the opportunity and the privilege to drink tap water, drink it. It’s safe and also good for you.

SLOW down on that salt…




Hi  foodie lovers, today I am steering more to the salty side of life and thought I should let you in on a little bit more about salt.

Did you know that ideally, your salt intake should be 5g of salt a day. Although as South Africans (including me) at most times consume double this amount.

Do you often ever feel bloated or tired? Dizzy, thirsty and have frequent headaches? Then you might be taking into too much salt. Guilty, guilty, guilty as charged…aren’t we all. Well most of us .

Salt is not only a seasoning used at the side of the dinner table but can also be found in many of your processed foods. Meaning we consume a lot and a lot of salt without even knowing it. So be careful and try to cut down on the salt. You might be putting in more than your bargaining for.

 Here are reasons why too much salt is bad for you:

It can lead to high blood pressure.

Salt allows the body to keep hold of water, so the amount of blood in your veins is more than it should be, putting a lot of pressure on your arteries and causing severe damage. Usually there are no visible symptoms of high blood pressure but in severe cases of high blood pressure there are symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting

It can cause kidney failure, vascular dementia and eye damage.

 Again, the blood pressure when it is dangerously high it damages the veins and arteries in vital organs such as your brain, kidneys and heart.

It can increase cellulite

The body retains water because of the high salt content making you feel bloated. Pressure on the veins and arteries filter through areas where circulation is not at its best, such as your thighs and bottom the areas where cellulite target first and quickly.

 • Too much salt can lead to depression.

Salt is harmful for those who are prone to depression and panic attacks as salt diminishes the body of potassium which is vital for the nervous system, to work at its best.

Try to make healthy choices and cut down on salt. Here are few tips and advice from a dietician (M. Beeth) regarding salt and the use their of:

 • Read food labels carefully.

 • Salt content is classified as low if there is 120mg of sodium in 100g of serving.

• Avoid highly processed products which contain huge amounts of salt. These include canned soups, cheese, processed meats and chips etc.

• Snack on raw vegetables, fruit and unsalted nuts.

 • Use fresh or frozen vegetables in your cooking as tinned products contain salt to preserve the product.

• When cooking, try replacing your salt with herbs and spices,

And then there was …..The watermelon.

Originally originated in Africa, this watermelon delight has existed for centuries starting from the early Egyptian days. Testaments to their legacy were recorded in hieroglyphics painted on building walls. This fruit was fit for kings it has said to be placed in the tombs of the Egyptian kings.

Watermelon is cultivated as far as China and they are one of the largest producers of watermelons

This tantalizing tasty fruity treat is one of the richest of fruits and of high regards and has played an important role in many countries for years and centuries.

Watermelon delightful, delicious and nutritious 🙂



Nutritional Profile                               

Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin C. It is also a very good source of vitamin A. The Watermelon is rich in the B vitamins necessary for energy production. It is as great source of vitamin B6 and a good source of vitamin B1, magnesium, and potassium. Has a high nutrient content because this food has higher water content and lower calorie content than many other fruits (a whole cup of watermelon contains only 48 calories), it delivers more nutrients per calorie— which is an outstanding health benefit!


Individual Concerns

Watermelon is not a common allergen , it does not contain measurable amounts of oxalates or purines and is also not included in the Environmental Working Group’s 2010 report “Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides” as one of the 12 foods most frequently containing pesticide residues.


Tips for Preparing Watermelon:

  • Wash the watermelon before cutting it-wash it with a wet cloth or paper towel.
  • Depending upon the size that you desire, there are many ways to cut a watermelon. The flesh can be sliced, cubed or scooped into balls.
  •  Watermelon can be added to a fruit salad. Jam, sorbet and juice are some nutritious and delicious things you can make with watermelon.
  • Both the seeds and the rind of the watermelon are edible. If you choose to eat the rind, it is highly suggested to purchase organic watermelon.







A Few Quick Serving Ideas:

  • Purée watermelon, cantaloupe and kiwi together. Mix in a little plain yogurt and serve as refreshing cold soup.
  • Roasted watermelon seeds season it and eat as a snack food or ground up into cereal and used to make bread.
  • Cook, the rind of watermelon this can be marinated, pickled or candied.
  • Watermelon mixed with thinly sliced red onion, salt and black pepper makes a great summer salad.
  • Watermelon is a wonderful addition to fruit salad.
  • Fruit salad can be made days ahead since cut fruit, if chilled, retains its nutrients for at least 6 days.



Do you ever wonder, what am I really eating and how is the food I am eating affecting the world or the environment I live in? Since mankind was introduced to industrialization especially the new farming methods, the way we as people produce food has had a negative effect on environment. Here are a few food conscious thoughts.








So what exactly is a carbon footprint?  A carbon foot print is a way of measuring the amount of greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere as a result of our daily actions. An access amount of these gases is harmful to the environment and contributes to global warming (melting of snow in the North Pole, longer and colder winters, and stormier weather).

Greenhouse gases include water, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide being the most widespread/common. Carbon foot print activities such as burning fossil fuels from driving your car or using electricity all contribute to the releasing of greenhouse gases. You as an individual indirectly also contribute to the amount of greenhouse gases is being given off when buying food. For an example, if you buy imported items, you need to consider the amount of CO2 that was created in transporting and refrigerating them.

Consider how you travel to work every day, how often you fly, what you eat and where your food comes. To help reduce the amount of greenhouses gases given off, make use of public transport instead of your cars. Exercise by walking to the shop or walk to work, if close by. Switch to energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs, recycle and buy second- hand goods. In this way you’re helping protect the planet ( animals , plants, earth and atmosphere).



Your cook print is the total carbon footprint of your meal-meal from farm to fork. It increases every time heat (fuel such as gas or paraffin) is used during cooking. The cost of your meal affects not only your pocket but the planet too.




ORGANIC– Food has been certified at farms and during processing. No artificial food additives or chemical have been added to product. It also means that synthetic pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers weren’t used during farming and no genetically modified ingredients or products are present.  FREE RANGE– Animals are allowed to roam freely instead of being contained in any manner. Indicates that the animal has been allowed access to the outside although it does not specify the quality or size of the outside range nor the duration of time an animal must have access to the outside.



Eating ethically means to strive to make educative decisions about what you eat and the impact it has on animals, communities and the environment.



                                                                        Environmentally friendly means, earth friendly. It’s also commonly referred to as ‘green products’ which contributes towards protecting resources such as water and energy. By engaging in eco-friendly habits you become more conscious about your surroundings/environment.




When you see Free trade on a label, you know the food/product your buying is produced in an ethical way. Buying fair trade products means your supporting fair labour practices, the protection of sensitive natural areas and the safe handling of pesticides and wastes. Fair trade products are genetically modified.



Refers to the distance food has been transported from the time of its production to the time it reaches you. There is still a lot of researching going on which is better buying food locally or support small-scale farmers in developing countries. The concept of food miles doesn’t take into account the social, political and the ongoing issues of food production and consumption.

Target those problem spots with superfoods!!!

So today i have decided  to do a little something about health and well-being, as its very important to maintain a health body to keep you going for longer.To maintain a healthy body you need to eat the right fruit and vegetables in moderation with physical excerise but today we will be  focusing on the food and not physical fitness since its a food blog.

 By eating  fruit and vegetables you can target those spots under those arms, legs and……….. read below to find out more!:)

Eat those vegetables and fruit!!! They good for you:)


Reducing your oestrogen levels will help reduce the weight from the hips and thighs.

 How is this possible???

  • By adapting your diet with 2 -3 portions of cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower , rocket and watercress daily.
  • Add half 1/2 a cup of grapejuice or orange juice to your breakfast.
  • Drink 3 cups of green tea with a day.


Tone those stomach by replacing the carbohydrate portion of your  evening meal with extra vegetables.

Here are some suggestions.

In a carb-based meals-

  • swap the pasta for a carrot or courgettes shredded into long thin strips
  • Instead of rice/couscous add 100g of fish or lean red meat.
  • Have  of 125g of low fat yoghurt and fruit as an afternoon snack.


Experts say that fatty arms are due to a low level of  male horemones in the body .By consuming more vitamin B you cand help strenghten the adrenal glands, where these hormones are produced.

Adapt your diet by :

 – including 2 portions of green vegetables a day.

 –  choose bran /rye based breakfast 3 times a week

 – eat a handful of walnuts/hazelnuts a day.

granny smith, golden delicious,ROSE APPLE?


Is it a berry, a pear or an apple? This remarkable fruit is not what it name intends, an apple. Apparently a rose apple looks more like a pear and it taste like a watermelon. Now why call it rose apple? Where the does name came from and what exactly is a rose apple? Let’s find out.

It was called Rose apple because of the crispy fruits smell and taste like rose water.The scientific name for rose apple is Syzygium jambos. While its English name varies not only is it called rose apple it is also refer to as, Malabar plum Plum rose Malay apple Wax apple Water apple. In Dutch Rozenappel, Spanish: Pomarrosa, French: Jamrosat, Jambrosade, Jam-rose and Pomme rose. German: Rosenapfel and Malabarpflaume.

 It originates from the South East Asia and its part of the Myrtaceae (myrtle family)

 Flowers: A showy terminal inflorescence, usually with four whitish-green flowers on the outside of the crown. Leaves are long and glossy.

Fruits: Fruits are about 5 cm long with a whitish-green colour, but colour variations exist including red skinned fruits. The skin is thin and waxy.

Climate and weather: Requires a tropical or near tropical climate. Growth at altitudes up to 900 meter.

Height:Grow as a shrub or as a medium-sized tree. 7 to 12 meter

Type of soil:Prefers deep loamy soil. But can tolerate sand or limestone with very little organic matter

Spacing (close range) 8 meter and Spacing (wide range) 12 meter

 Insect pests:Few insect problems. Aphids.

 Diseases: Sometimes there is visible mould growing on honeydew excreted by aphids. Leaf spot. Anthracnose. Fusarium root rot.

 Harvesting: Pick by hand from the tree. Fruits should be used soon after picking because they spoil soon. Fruits ripen over an extended period of time.

Uses:Eat the fruits fresh (the skin can be eaten too). Fruits are crisp with the taste (and smell) of rose-water. Fruits are hollow, the core contains a small amount of inedible fluff.